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Hypnosis weight loss success stories - hypnosis weight loss victory messages

31-01-2017 à 14:09:27
Hypnosis weight loss success stories
Thank You for helping me change my life. He taught me some techniques that I used in March when I traveled, for the first time ever away from my children to Arizona. I have been smoke-free since the first session we met. A word of caution- hypnosis is not an all-in-one solution. Copenhagen or any tobacco products since our first session on Sept 10 and I feel confident that this will continue. - Klaus Krohn, RN (attended a group seminar). Just wanted to drop a line THANKING YOU for two months of absolutely, positively, without fail smoking. 19, 2004. I knew I had to make a change if I was going to be around long enough to accomplish my goals and dreams. I have not eaten or desired any sweets, junk foods, or ice cream since my first session. I have never felt this well during the initial period following smoking cessation. As of today, I am down to 300 pounds, and I am feeling confident about tackling the remaining weight. Each visit after that only helped to renew my confidence as I fought this battle. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for helping me give-up a twenty-plus-year smoking habit. I totally feel in control of my eating habits. Just wanted to let you know that I am still (and always will be) a non-smoker. Hypnosis has given me the will power to stay on a diet and be in control of my eating. S. Thanks for all your help. I was trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for 9 months and just 10. I feel more independent and less inclined to seek approval or support. The benefit that really made the difference was the minimizing of deep cravings. Olympic athletes in China, and though I was uncertain if hypnosis would work for me, I thought it was worth a try. I no longer crave the sweets and if I do have a piece of dessert I have the will power not to go crazy. - Robin. Aisha, I have not smoked since my first session with you on Jan.

I read about PA Hypnosis Center and some of the work Dan Vitchoff had done with the U. - Michael Thomas, Supervisor. The benefits of having quit are creeping up on me. After 30 pack years of smoking (one pack a day x 30 yrs. When I came in, I met with Catie and she was very kind and listened to my concerns as she explained the process. As anyone who struggles with weight is aware, confidence is key, and hypnosis has been a powerful tool in this struggle. My goal to quit smoking has finally been realized. For many years, I have needed a long nap on weekends to catch up on lost sleep. ) and. My blood sugar is under control and better than it has been in 15 years. I used the patch, the gum, and cold turkey without any. Neither do I feel particularly needy in the emotional sense. But it is an extremely valuable tool to anyone who is willing to put in the hard work and effort to change their lives. In years past, I had tried just about every method to quit dipping and had failed each time. Thank you for my transition to a new and healthy path. For anyone who has not experienced hypnosis before, it is not at all like what you see on TV and in the movies, it is a very relaxing and comforting experience, and you are in control the whole time. Becoming a non-smoker (and thinking of it that way) helped me to make radical changes in my life. I just wanted to let you know that I am doing well. I have used various tobacco products for 22 years and experienced all of the standard problems most people have with their dentist not to. Now, I sleep so well at night that those naps are no longer. Dan has helped me with my anxiety and fear of flying on planes. After my first visit I was more confident about my eating choices and ability to lose weight. I would like to think that a healthier me made a difference. After my initial discussion with Aisha, I began using the techniques to begin the process for quitting.

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Hypnosis weight loss success stories

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